Friday, October 31, 2008

5th Grade -- Leonard

1. Typing with Mavis Beacon.

2. Household Safety. Save Sam! Find all 21 household hazards and show Mr. Bedwell.

3. Nutrition. Play Get the Glass! Show Mr. Bedwell when you are finished.

4. Educational Games. You may spend the rest of your time on Sheppard Software.

4th Grade, Dwiggins

1. Typing with Mavis Beacon.

2. Math. Finish Math Brain! Click on the link to Math Brain, put your password in the box, then click the green Submit button.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Typing + Word Processing

1. Typing practice with Mavis Beacon.

2. Word Processing. Complete the Lesson One exercise.

3. Vocabulary. Play Free Rice until you have donated 1000 grains. You must show Mr. Bedwell.

4. If you finish early, you may spend the rest of your time on FunBrain.

Friday, October 10, 2008

4th Grade Students

Mr. Bedwell is not here today, but he left these assignments for you to complete:

Typing. Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor. (15 minutes.)

2. Science (Review). Click on the link, play the whole movie, then take the quiz: Food ChainsYou must show the teacher when finished.

3. Math. Finish Math Brain. Click on the link, input your password, and play until you have finished all the games. You must show the teacher when finished. 

4. Vocabulary. Play Free Rice until you have donated 1000 grains. You must show the teacher when finished

5. If you finish early, you can go to FunBrain.

5th Grade Students

Mr. Bedwell is not here today, but he left these assignments for you to complete:

1. Typing. Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor. (15 minutes)

2. Science. Follow the instructions in the window to complete this science activity:

When you are finished with this activity, click on this link to take the Quiz. You must score 10/10 and show the teacher when you are finished.

3. Math. Finish Math Brain. Click on the link, input your password, and play until you have finished all the games. You must show the teacher when finished. (All 5th grade classes except Leonard's.)

4. Vocabulary. Play Free Rice until you have donated 1000 grains. You must show the teacher when finished. (Leonard's class: 2000 grains.)

5. If you finish early, you can go to FunBrain.

Friday, October 3, 2008

4th Grade: Food Chains

1. Typing practice with Mavis Beacon.

2. Complete the activity below and complete the worksheet:

3. Click on the link and take the quiz. You must score 10/10 and show Mr. Bedwell: Food Chain Quiz.
4. If you finish early, you may spend the rest of your time on FunBrain.

5th Grade: Begin PowerPoint Slides!

1. Typing practice with Mavis Beacon.

2. Today we're going to begin making our PowerPoint slides! Mr. Bedwell will talk you through the process. The first step is to find two good pictures of your subject and save them in a folder on the computer desktop. Next, you will make your first PowerPoint slide: an introduction page telling what your subject is, what it does, and a picture of it.

Here are links to some web sites where you will find good information:
National Geographic Human Body
BBC Human Body
KidsHealth How the Body Works
KidsKonnect - Human Body
The Virtual Body